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HomeOverview of Programs
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Awards & Grants Committee
Distributes allocated funds from the endowment through awards, grants, and special projects.
Chair: Brianne Taylor

Financial Oversight Committee
Designed to oversee VASTA's financial path and planning.
Chair: Adi Cabral

Membership Connections Committee (MCC)
Help members take full advantage of their membership by keeping them connected to the services, benefits, resources, and opportunities available through VASTA.
Board Liaison: Ann Marie Pollard

Interest Groups:

Dedicated to the needs and interests of freelancers who specialize in providing professional voice, speech, and text coaching services to people, productions, and organizations within the arts and entertainment industries.
Chair: Adrianne Moore

Represents those who specialize in providing professional voice and speech coaching services to those within business/es or corporate environments.
Chair: Sarah Nichols

Committed to engaging in an ongoing inquiry into how we can do better as teachers, trainers, coaches and therapists; how to best foster the learning of students and clients; and how to inspire and facilitate VASTA member efforts to do the same.
Chairs: Alexandra Whitham & Britany Bara

Endeavors to provide an online forum to forge new connections between members in order to share and deepen our health and wellness knowledge and outreach.
Chair: Annie Rubino & Allison Moody


Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Team
Brainstorms how VASTA defines “diversity,” and initiatives and activities towards that goal. 
EDIA+ Director: Marie Ramirez Downing

ATHE Planning 
Planning VASTA's presence at the annual Association of Theater in Higher Education conference.
Conference Planner: Irene Alby 

The Tech Team
Oversees VASTA's website and internet services.
Director of Operations: Kimberley Cohan

The VASTA Voice Editorial Staff 
Edits and produces VASTA's quarterly newsletter, "The VASTA Voice."
Editor: Sophie Scott 

The VSR Editorial Board
Edits and produces VASTA's scholarly journal, the Voice and Speech Review (VSR)
Guest Editor: Rocky Sansom


Junior Board Member Initiative
Designed to benefit newer members, early in their career, by having them attend a year of board meetings, and select committees to learn the inner workings of the organization.
Board Liaison: Antonio Ocampo-Guzman

Identity Cabaret Initiative
It is a platform for identity and expression for our members at the conference.
EDI Director: Marie Ramirez Downing

Mentorship Initiative
Open up avenues of mentorship and peer support to all of our members.
Chair: Ursula Meyer

Questions about anything on this page? Email the Director of Operations.